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Monday, May 10, 2010

The Entertainment Industry - What is it?

Some thoughts of relativity towards the Modeling/ Fashion Industry...

The Fashion Industry is considered an industry member of the overal Entertainment Industry in that many of the disciplines required for fashion and modeling are also required for Singing, Acting & Dancing.

The physical body must be maintained at a high level, the Model's ability to externally exude self-confidence and self-assuredness without being affected by pseudo-intimidation; sure-footedness, agility and good posture which is important for all disciplines.

As a Model, you may have all of the above elements, but you may not have the gift of singing or the gift of acting. You may have a penchant for dancing without the formal training.

Modeling is one way to enter the Entertainment Industry and if you're a good model with the right look and portfolio, you can ascend to the A-List of Models and earn extreme income for the bulk of your good years.

But then what? What if you do ascend to the upper echelon of your trade? What happens after the phone stops ringing? What happens after your financial worth has been downgraded? Can you still function based on your past noteriety?

Yes you can, but the process begins now...CrED will show you how to build the right systems in place for career growth and expansion so that your revenue growth will not diminish at the time of transition.

Contact CrED today to attend our next BootCamp. Go to www.credbootcamp.com to register or contact johnny@johnnyblanks.org